It's All Messy

The hair. The bed. The words. The heart. The life.

I'm selling my Lensbaby Velvet, or trying to I should say, as I just can't seem to fall in love with it. I should probably give it the time and attention I do with all my lenses when I first purchase them, that's how I learn a new lens by shooting with it exclusively for quite some time, and I've had the Velvet for well over a year now but I've not used it much. 

My self portraits are always technically inadequate and the above image (Velvet 56 photo) is no exception, but I feel like the Velvet is more of a portrait lens than anything else and since I rarely shoot portraits, I don't have the opportunity to use it as often as I would like. I have seen some beautiful nature photography using it though, which is why I teeter back and forth on keeping it. 

So like with most things in my life, I'll leave it up to fate. If I'm not meant to keep it, perhaps someone else is, and it will sell and if not, well there you have it. It's on my camera even as I write these words and will leave it there for awhile to see if I can't fire up a few sparks.


  1. I so resonate with It's All Messy, Nita. I'm thinking about you... missing your beautiful images, and hoping you are doing okay.

    Interesting about the V56. I look forward to how this turns out!

    Take care!

  2. Hi Debby! Summer has been brutal here but I'm hoping to get out with the Velvet soon. While I did leave Instagram recently, you can find me on VSCO and Flickr still. I've been on both platforms a very long time and in my opinion, both are far superior to IG for photographers. If you're on either, let's connect!

  3. Good for you for leaving IG. I left my main account quite a while ago for so many reasons, but one being that I find their values and practices abhorrent and unconscionable. I tried going back to Flickr, where I was long ago and for years, but it felt so odd! So I created a new tiny account to share photos with just my closest friends. You inspire me to try Flickr again! I will surely connect with you when I do!

    Great to hear from you.


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