Manolo Blahnik

 I'm An Old Bag, I Like Old Things

I absolutely love the film 'feel' to this photo. And what's even better, is that it's accomplished completely in camera. I shot it with a CineBloom Diffusing Filter. Today, when you say 'filter' people automatically go to that which is on your mobile phone or photo editing software or app. In the 'olden daze' a photography filter meant a piece of glass that you mounted onto your lens. That's what the CineBloom filter is. That I felt the need to even explain this tells you how old I am. 

Aged - vintage - antique - old things are some of my favorite things. I love them for so many reasons. Older things are made better. The quality is just different and can be felt as well as seen. Vintage items have stories with them, they've been around, seen things, know things. Whenever I shoot with one of my vintage cameras, I always wonder what images it has photographed in the years before. I imagine that it may have been in the hands of someone in some far away place that I'll never visit and has taken photos of things I'll never see. 

I prefer lived in and loved things of a time goneby. They usually have a dreamy, soft and romantic quality to them that brand new can't duplicate. They make me feel warm, cozy, and placed in a time when life was slower, quieter and gentler. It's a place I love to be in and if a filter on my digital camera can achieve that, for one moment in this time, that's something new I'm in love with too.


